
Monday, October 22, 2012


         Everyone has their own thing they do when they're bored, some would call that a hobby. Some people only have one specific hobby while others have a bunch of hobbies. Some play sports, some make videos, some make art, some create and listen to music, but I write. I write all kinds of things but the form of writing I use more often would be journaling. 
      Journaling is a way to express yourself, which is why I like to do it so much. Since I can be very reserved and shy, except with my closest friends, I usually am able to express myself best in my writing. Which I guess explains why I like my language arts classes. Since I journal so much I have a lot of them stored away with a bunch of my silly thoughts, ideas, diary entries, lyrics, and any other thing that I felt like scribbling into my journal at the time. To some it might be silly that I keep a journal but I think keeping a journal can be a valuable treasure. Years from now I'll enjoy looking back at my silly complaints and I'll make fun of myself for being such a drama queen. I'll be able to reflect back on moments special to me. Journals are thoughts that can never be lost or forgotten, they can be revisited. 
       So what do I write in my journals? I write a variety of stuff. I write lyrics, observations around me, my thoughts, my feelings about a certain issue, lists, summaries of future novels I'd like to write, and diary entries. If a person were to pick up my collection of journals for some reason than they would learn so much about me, you'd practically be probing through my brain. Which some of my closest friends would advise you not to do so.  
        I do other things in my journals as well. I tape in little mementos into the pages such as a ticket stub of a movie I'd been anticipating to see for a while, my old school I.D's, pictures, and a bunch of other stuff. 
        My point is journaling is definitely something everyone should try at some point. Try it and if you don't like it than that's fine, at least you have the satisfaction of saying you tried it but it just wasn't for you. So far I have successfully completed two, they both chronicle my sophomore year of high school. Right now I'm on my third journal with Paris, France on the cover cause I have a weird fascination with France. Anyways, I'm more than halfway through it and it chronicles the beginning of my junior year. I feel like I'll journal for the rest of my life, maybe I'll let my future kids read them and maybe their kids will read my journals, it seems kind of cool if you think about it. 

(484 words)

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