It's weird and unimaginable to know that two years from now I'll be out of high school. I'll be eighteen and hopefully in college, beginning a different life then the one I have now. Setting this new life apart from all I've ever known. The other day I was talking to my friend who graduates this year and she was saying how weird it was going to be not getting up at six in the morning to get ready to go to school after she's been doing it for so long and it made me think that soon I was going to be in her position, before I knew it.
Though I'm still a junior, I can't help but think of graduation sometimes. If you really think about it, life after high school is terrifying for many reasons. First of all thee's the million dollar question: What will I do for the rest of my life? I don't know about other people, but the adults in my life love to ask that question, they believe it's never too early to plan out my life before them. They don't realize that I do think about that but I'm taking it one day at a time. I mean some people already have that all figured out and planned but I honestly don't and I'm probably not the only one. I mean, I have a general idea but that's basically it. Right now I'm thinking either journalism or neonatal nursing as a career, both are so different yet I find each one fascinating in their own ways.
Another reason life after high school is terrifying is you have no sense of direction. All your life you've known that you go to elementary, from there middle school, followed by high school. After that you decide what path you want to take, either continue your education or get a job right away. Growing up you're made to think that continuing your education is the best path but for some it's not. Some would rather become apprentices for a job and work their way up because that's what works best for them. My point is sometimes people aren't sure what's best for them and other people influence us to believe what certain things are best for us.
Where you're going to live, is another thing you could ask yourself. You're faced with the decision of either moving out of your parents house and getting your own place or continue living with your parents until you believe you're financially stable enough to afford to move out into your own place with roommates or something. That's another important thing to think about.
There's a bunch of things to think about once you move on from high school, they're all scary and at the same time exciting. It's terrifying when you move on to new things but than again the experience is always worth it in the end. Though graduation is still some time away from now, I still can't help but think about it and all the other things I've ever known.
(514 words)
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