
Monday, April 29, 2013

Start By Writing Your Story

           Every person out there has their own way of coming up with an idea when you have to write an essay for language arts. Usually though, you take inspiration from something you know about in your life or have some sort of interest in (obviously because no one wants to write about something they don't want to learn about, right?). Have you ever realized though, that when you start writing about something you know or you want to understand and learn more about, you end up writing that essay for language arts, or whatever class it's for, much more smoothly or easily. Most people don't like writing, especially writing essays for a class. Writing doesn't always have to be just for class though.
       Authors make a living by writing their own stories, by putting down their own ideas on paper and breathing life into characters that wouldn't have existed today if it weren't for them. Thanks to authors out there such as J.K Rowling and Suzanne Collins, they've given us characters that a lot of people adore like Harry Potter and Katniss Everdeen. Through their stories, authors teach us lessons which we take as we go through our lives. Though you may not think so, books and authors and their writing impact us in some way at some point in our lives. I'm sure that if you haven't had a book that has changed your life, I'm sure you will soon at some point in the future. It's just impossible to go through life and not have a book impact you in some way, impact in the way you think or in the way you live your life. 
       Authors have a beautiful job. They create a world, they create characters, they create misery and happiness and they teach us a lesson. It's amazing to think that all of this is possible in just a few hundred pages or so. That's one of the reasons why I adore writing and why I'd love to be an author one day whose work is recognized and why everyone should try writing their own story in some way, whether it be by journal entries, a novel, or even poetry. 
       Writing can be difficult though. Like anything, a lot of time and effort needs to be put into your writing, it doesn't really matter what it is you're writing, anything you're writing should show that you put the time and effort into it. I think the most meaningful pieces of writing, are the ones that have had the most time and effort put into them.
       If you're writing journal entries, it's not too difficult to write because you just find the format that is best for you. Sometimes I write my journal entries in poetry format because it's less words, yet you're able to capture what you're trying to say perfectly but sometimes I feel like really getting into detail and by the time I'm done with my journal entry I have three to four pages in my journal filled, both back and front. 
       When writing poetry, it can literally be about anything. If you want to write about love then write about love, if you want to write about that delicious chocolate cake your mom makes then you can write about it. Poetry i endless possibilities. 
      Another form of writing would be writing a novel.  Writing a novel can be really difficult and it takes a lot of time. The novel I wrote took me 10 months to write and finish, I'm still in the process of typing it up and so far I have like three or four chapters typed up out of twenty something and I'm at about 10,000 words. I personally prefer to hand write my novels first though, I'm not exactly sure why, I mean I'm pretty fast at typing but I prefer writing my novels in $10.00 journals (yeah, I know, that's outrageous but it's what I do). It can also take a lot of time to research if you need to research and it takes a lot of notes and outlining. I personally don't outline and I choose not to, outlining just isn't for me, I just go along with my story and I even end up surprising myself when I'm writing. So, if I surprise myself I'm sure the readers end up just as surprised. When you're writing, the characters just end up writing the story for you, they develop their own minds and you're just the person putting pen to paper. Which is what every story should be like, I personally believe. 
      Sticking to writing a novel can be difficult though. I have many notebooks lying around with stories I've started but haven't finished and I probably won't finish since I'm really focusing on a specific series right now. 
      In the end, writing whatever you want in whatever format you want to is just amazing. Because with your writing you can change a life, as cheesy as that sounds it's true. I never really realized I loved writing until I picked up a book by an author I hadn't really heard about, Cassandra Clare, back in eighth grade. Thanks to her and a lot of my language arts teachers, I've come to realize my love for writing, and one day I want to be able to impact others with my writing. To think, my love for writing started because of someone who started her own story. 

(910 words)

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