
Monday, December 10, 2012

Winter Wonderland

      I don't get it. I really, really don't get it. How come it's December and there hasn't really been any snow? Well there was, like yesterday morning when I woke up to see pretty thick snowflakes falling onto the white ground I got so excited! Until later that day that snow turned into water, than my excitement turned into disappointment. I don't know, unlike a lot of people I know, I actually do like snow and I'll go as far as to say Winter is my favorite season. Why? Well, Summer is way too hot and sticky especially Iowa Summer's, meanwhile Winter should be cold and covered in a thick blanket of glistening snow. But for some reason, this year is just like last year, little to no snow. 
       Snow is a part of the weather, it's something most of us have dealt with for most of our lives, whether we like it or not we do know how to deal with it but for a person not to have a "White Christmas" is just not the same as a "Brown Christmas", at least not to me. Last year was the first year, that I remember, when we didn't have a "White Christmas", I was disappointed because it just didn't feel like Christmas, the feeling of fresh snow falling on the ground on Christmas Eve was gone and I don't know about you but I love that feeling! I love snow, I love how it sparkles under the moonlight every night and I love how crunchy it sounds underneath my boots on my way inside my house and I love the crisp air, Winter is like Wonderland to me. So it's really disappointing to see that it still hasn't snowed yet. 
       Who knows, maybe we will have a "White Christmas" this year but at this rate I find it very unlikely. I mean just last week it was seventy degrees out! Seventy degrees. Seventy degrees, in Winter, in Iowa. Iowa Winter's consist of the bitter cold, fuzzy socks, and annoying Winter jackets; they're not, they shouldn't consist of shorts, tank tops and sandals. This is just ridiculous! For the last few years the weather here in Iowa has just gotten more and more bipolar, it's confusing. 
        A White Christmas, that is all I'm asking for. I won't mind if we don't get snow until than but I'd really like it if it snowed on Christmas.

(405 words)

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