
Monday, November 26, 2012

New Trimester

           Finally! A new trimester! The last one seemed to go on forever and ever, I think it was the longest one I ever experienced and probably the worst one I've done, you know grade wise. Yeah, my grades were definitely what I would have liked them to have been which is why I'm going to try different things this term in order to improve. Maybe you'll be able to find something you can use to improve on some aspect of your life. Anyways, here's the list:
  • Actually pay attention to what's going on in class and have complete focus, or enough of it to do well in class. Yes, I know this one is a no brainer but last term, for a reason that I won't share, I just seemed to be distracted like constantly, it honestly didn't matter what class I was in. My attention was never really focused on whatever class I was in in that moment, half of it was there and I don't know about other people but I can't do well in a class if I'm not completely focused on it in that moment.
  • Use a planner. I own one but like most people, I say that I'll use it in the beginning of the year and I do at first but then I lose the habit of actually using it. This trimester, I'll actually try, again, to use it every day. Otherwise I forget what's due on a certain day and that doesn't help my grades in any way.
  • Get my homework done when it's first assigned. A lot of teachers, I would actually say most of them, give out assignments and they usually give us a few days to a few weeks to get the assignment done. So I think I'm going to try to get my homework done when it's first assigned so that way I don't have to worry about it later on and that way I don't have piles of homework building up on my desk at home because then it's depressing to look at.
  • Get help from teachers. So last trimester I did pretty decent in most of my classes except two which would by Algebra 2 and A.P.E.S and even than I did better at a college level course compared to a regular high school class, not going to lie, it's kind of sad. Anyways, this trimester if I have trouble than I will definitely go ask my teachers for help. Last trimester, I rarely did but this time I will.
(423 words)

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