
Monday, March 25, 2013

My Chemical Romance Breakup

            So you're minding your own business, just scrolling through a social media website. It could be Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. So you're just scrolling through the pages, late one night because you're bored and what do you see? You see news that devastates you because it impacts you in come way. It could be something as tragic as the Newtown shooting, the loss of a political candidate, or even the breakup of one of your favorite bands/ musicians. 
        When you find out that something you adore is over, it's a bittersweet moment. On one hand there's the fact that you'll no longer be able to enjoy the feeling of going to a midnight premiere of your favorite movie series; or holding in your hands, a crisp, new copy of a book in your favorite series; or buying the latest C.D of your favorite band (yes, I still buy C.D's when it comes to a band I really like, okay). That feeling of something new in your life from someone or something that inspires you is forever gone. Sure, you have the memories and the legacy of what's left behind of it but it's just not the same. On the other hand, you know that at one point moving on is necessary, but sometimes you feel like it's just way too soon. 
       Friday night, one my favorite band: My Chemical Romance, announced in a blog post found here that they've had great experiences but it has sadly come to an end. My Chemical Romance was made up of lead singer, Gerard Way; bass guitarist, Mikey Way; and guitarists, Ray Toro and Frank Iero. They had four studio albums: I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love; Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge; The Black Parade; and their last album was Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys. They were a band since 2001 until this year, 2013, making it twelve years of My Chemical Romance. Though I wasn't a fan for all of the twelve years, I became a huge fan of theirs in about 2008 when I was up at 3 in the morning and I wasn't able to sleep so I turned on the T.V which happened to be on MTV and their song Helena was on, I instantly fell in love with them and I have been ever since. 
       Anyways, soon, MCR was trending on Twitter and was all over my Tumblr, which is where I became aware of their breakup. When I read a comment mentioning that My Chemical Romance broke up, I couldn't believe it! I mean, this had to be just another rumor, right? The media isn't always that reliable  once you get something started then it starts like a wildfire. Sadly though, it wasn't a rumor. The news was so sudden, unexpected, and it was devastating!   I was so devastated about the news because their music had inspired me in so many ways, their music helped me write my novel (The Mortal Touch), I always turned to them when it came to inspiration. They also saved many of their fans' lives! Many of the fans of MCR have had hard times in their lives and they never knew if they'd be able to get through it, listening to their music helped them get through those hardships, it made them stonger and wiser and helped shape them into better people. When I listen to their music I know I want to be a better person. That's just the effect they had on all their fans!
        Sadly, that chapter of the band members' lives is over. It's time for them to move on, it's time for fans to accept this reality even though it hurts. Though they won't come out with anymore music, or have concerts, they'll still be here for their fans which is what I love about them. They don't take their fans for granted, they encourage their fans like proud parents of babies first steps and they will always encourage us, they're there for the fans during hardships with their inspirational quotes and deep lyrics. They're gone but they aren't gone. They will never be gone, they will always be there just as understanding as they were when they were a band, the fact that they will no longer be a band won't change who they are, waiting for us to make an impact on the world just like they did. 
       They obviously have meant a lot to me and they always will. If you understand how much something or someone can mean to you then that's great! But if you don't then I hope that at some point you will get the same feeling I get when it comes to My Chemical Romance. 
        When something in your life ends, it's not necessarily the end. It's just the beginning of something new, and I'm sure the guys will have many new projects that they'll be proud of and passionate about just like they were about My Chemical Romance, it's your choice if you want to stick along, try something new, and let someone new impact your life. I'm young and I'm sure there will be many people in my life who impact me just like My Chemical Romance did, they will never be replaced or forgotten though. They'll always be special to me. 

My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die.
It is alive in me, in the guys, and it is alive inside all of you.
I always knew that, and I think you did too.

Because it is not a band-
it is an idea.
          - Gerard Way over the end of My Chemical Romance.
(893 words, not including quote)

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